Friday, January 24, 2014

Personal Learning Plan (PLP)- Goal 1

Complete Twitter tutorial in Atomic Learning at and record experience with this tutorial as well as information learned in personal blog.
The University of West Georgia offers its students free access to Atomic Learning‎.  I have completed the Twitter tutorial which addressed eight headings, A-H, and many subheadings under each heading.  The tutorial was easy to navigate but I found it very time consuming accessing each subheading once you expanded the heading.  It did go faster once I realized there were arrows in the top left of the screen that would advance to the next subheading. I do feel more comfortable with the language of “following” and being a “follower”.  My fear score is down from a “10” to a “5”.

I also found this YouTube tutorial helpful

Twitter Training Description

Twitter™ is an online social networking service that allows its users to communicate using messages of 140 characters or less. With millions of users, Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites in the world and you'll be able to find and connect like-minded users with the same interests. In this series of online training tutorials, we'll cover how to use Twitter from tweeting and finding other users with common interests, to gaining more followers and keeping your tweets short. There’s a twitter universe of users who can provide information and insight into topics you are passionate about. View these tutorials, start a Twitter account, share and learn.
Tutorial series by Dan Kuemmel
Twitter is a trademark of Twitter, Inc. TweetDeck is either a trademark of registered trademark of TweetDeck, Inc.
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1 comment:

  1. No Fear!! There is no risk -- it's all about trying! Let's drop it to a 3. :) I'll be around Sunday night if you want to chat.
